Request to Testify at Section 1201 Public Hearings

The Copyright Office (“Office”) seeks further public input regarding proposed exemptions to the prohibition on circumvention for seven new or expanded classes of work. In a February 7, 2024 notice, the Office announced public hearings to be held via Zoom on April 15-19, 2024. The Office will convene panels of witnesses by class and may combine certain panels if the witnesses and/or key issues substantially overlap.

Anyone wishing to testify with respect to more than one proposed class must submit a separate form for each request. To the extent feasible, the Office requests that organizations submit only one panelist request per proposed class and encourages parties with similar interests to select a common representative to testify on their behalf. If multiple persons from the same organization wish to testify regarding the same proposed exemption, each should submit a separate request and explain in their submission the need for multiple witnesses. For parties represented by law school clinics, the Office will attempt to accommodate requests to allow students to participate under the supervision of a faculty member.

Following receipt of the requests to testify, the Office will prepare agendas for the hearings, listing the witnesses and times for each panel. The agendas will be circulated to hearing participants and posted at

Requests to testify should be submitted to the Copyright Office using the form provided below. Requests must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. eastern time on Friday, March 1, 2024. Required information is marked with an asterisk (*).

The Office cannot guarantee that the hearings will be able to accommodate technology demonstrations or visual aids. Any party wishing to provide such a demonstration should describe the nature of the intended presentation and any required functionality on the submission form.

Note: Use this form only to indicate that you wish to participate in a hearing. For those who wish to observe the roundtables without participating as a witness, the Office will provide sign-up information on this page approximately one week prior to the event.

The proceedings will be recorded and transcribed. Both the recording and the transcript will be posted on the Copyright Office website when they become available. Participants will be asked to complete a release form for the video recording prior to the hearings.

Participant Information

Proposed class to be addressed in testimony:*
Name of person wishing to testify:*
(if applicable)
Email Address:*

Brief summary of the testimony the witness expects to present:

Other comments, e.g., need for multiple witnesses or unavailability on certain dates:

If you are requesting the ability to demonstrate a use or a technology during the hearing, please provide a description of the demonstration, the approximate time required, and any functionality required to make the demonstration viewable via Zoom:


By clicking "submit," I hereby grant to the U.S. Copyright Office, its agents, representatives, and employees the right and permission to use my name, likeness, image, voice, and/or appearance as such may be embodied in any video recordings and/or live streaming of public hearings for the ninth triennial rulemaking proceeding under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C § 1201. I agree that the U.S. Copyright Office has complete ownership of such material, and that I will not receive any compensation for the use of such material. I hereby release the U.S. Copyright Office, its agents, representatives, and employees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of my name, likeness, image, voice, and/or appearance as such may be embodied in any video recording and/or live streaming of public hearings for the ninth triennial rulemaking under section 1201.

Clicking "submit" will file your request with the U.S. Copyright Office. The next screen will display a printable page showing the complete information you entered. You will also receive an email copy of your request

PRIVACY ACT ADVISORY STATEMENT Required by the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579)

The authority for requesting this information is 17 U.S.C. §§ 701, 1201. Furnishing the requested information is voluntary. But if the information is not furnished, the Office may be unable to allow your participation in the public hearings. The principal use of the requested information is to organize public hearings and to communicate with potential participants.

NOTE: No other advisory statement will be given in connection with this request. Please keep this statement and refer to it if we communicate with you regarding this request.