Login.gov FAQ

What is Login.gov?

Login.gov, managed by the General Services Administration, is a secure sign-in service used by participating government agencies such as the Copyright Office. If you have a Login.gov account, you can sign into designated Office services with that single account and password.

Why is the Copyright Office using Login.gov?

Login.gov provides a single, secure way to access multiple systems by authenticating your identity, thereby simplifying the way the public interacts with our products. This simplicity works well with the Enterprise Copyright System (ECS) now in development. ECS will integrate registration, recordation, and other Copyright Office IT systems, and it made sense to use Login.gov to authenticate users in the ECS.

Which Copyright Office systems use Login.gov?

The Copyright Office is using Login.gov for the Recordation System. In the future, you can use your Login.gov account with any Enterprise Copyright System (ECS) function that requires you to log in such as the ECS’ registration component when that is available.

Do I need a separate Login.gov account for each Copyright Office system?

No. You can use the same Login.gov username and password to authenticate to any copyright module within the Enterprise Copyright System.

I don’t have a Login.gov account. What should I do?

You can create an account at Login.gov. If you do not have a Login.gov account, you will be prompted to create one when you first try to access a Copyright Office module that requires it.

How do I use Login.gov if I'm submitting something on behalf of my company as part of my job?

If you are creating an account as part of your job, the email you use for the Login.gov credentials should be one used for business. If you have a personal Login.gov account, you should create another account associated with your work email address.

Some modules, like the Recordation System, allow you to create an organization. Once someone creates an organization, that individual becomes the primary user for that organization and can invite other users to join. Each individual in your organization needs to have their own Login.gov credentials.

Can you help me if I lost my Login.gov password? What about other issues?

Login.gov is not managed by the Copyright Office. If you forgot your Login.gov password, or need help using Login.gov or managing your account, please visit the Login.gov help page.

The Copyright Office can assist you if you experience an issue with the status of your Copyright Office application or payment, or if you can successfully log into the Enterprise Copyright System but experience technical difficulty with how it operates. You can email us, send a message from our website help center, or call us at (202) 707-3000 or 1-877-476-0778 (toll-free).