Copyright Office Issues CASE Act Partial Final Rule Regarding Designated Service Agents

Issue No. 949 - March 8, 2022

Pursuant to the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act of 2020 and after soliciting public comments, the Copyright Office has published a partial final rule establishing procedures for corporations, partnerships, and unincorporated associations to designate service agents to receive service of claims in Copyright Claims Board (CCB) proceedings.

The partial final rule sets forth requirements for designating a service agent, amending such a designation, and the designated service agent directory’s publicly available content, including by clarifying the information a corporation is required to include when submitting a service agent designation and allowing entities to include a greater number of affiliated entities and trade names within in the same designation. These entities will be able to designate services agents through an online form, available later this spring. The Office will announce the availability of the portal through its NewsNet email service.

The Office anticipates publishing another final rule in the future addressing the rest of the proposed rules set forth in the Initiation of Proceedings NPRM that are not addressed in this partial final rule.

Additional information is available here.