What’s New In eCO?

July 22, 2024 Release

New Group Registration Option for Updates to a News Website

Beginning July 22, 2024, applicants may register a group of updates to a news website with one application and one filing fee.

The updates must be made to a “news website,” which is defined as a website that is designed to be a primary source of written information on current events, either local, national, or international in scope, that contains a broad range of news on all subjects and activities and is not limited to any specific subject matter.

Each update must be published on the same news website under the same primary domain name/URL. All of the updates must be published within the same calendar month (for example, March 1–March 31), and the applicant must identify the earliest and latest dates on which the updates were published during that month.

Each update must be a copyrightable collective work, and the claim in each update must be limited to the collective work. In addition, each update must be a work made for hire, and the author and claimant for each update must be the same person or organization.

To use this option, applicants must submit the online application designated for a group of updates to a news website. For each day of the month when new updates to the website were published, the applicant must submit a separate PDF file that contains a complete copy of the home page for the news website. Each PDF must show how the home page appeared at a specific point during each day of the month when new updates were published on the website. If a complete copy is technically unfeasible due to the size or continuous nature of the home page, the applicant may submit the first twenty-five pages of the home page that demonstrates updates from the previous deposit copy.

Instructions for completing the online application for a group of updates to a news website appear in the onscreen instructions that accompany the application and in further detail in the eCO application help text. For additional information concerning this option, see the GRNW page.

If you have specific questions about this process, email the Office or call (202) 707-3000 or 1-877-476-0778 (toll-free).